My beautiful wife and I, May 2010.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gettin Wiggy With It

Christina is sleeping now, so I thought I'd update everyone on her progress. She had her first infusion on Monday (November 1). She then had a Neulasta shot on Tuesday (November 2). We had heard that it was a painful injection, but she made it look easy.

The doctors told us to expect a lot of fatigue in the days after the infusion. They weren't kidding! She's been pretty 'out of it', although today she went the whole day without taking a nap. She hasn't complained of much nausea, just a little queasiness, so the anti-nausea medications seem to be working. While I'm relieved at how relatively mild the side-effects are so far, we've been told to expect there to be a cumulative effect, so it will get tougher as we go.

We've had a new house guest this past week: Tiffeny, who Christina grew up with, has come from Michigan to stay with us and lend a hand while Christina is going through all of this. She's been a huge help, keeping the house up and running, and stepping in to assist Christina with her schedule now that I'm back to work. She'll be here for another two weeks. Between her and my Mom before her, we've been in good hands.

I'd like to also acknowledge the help that our friends from the congregation have given. We've had meals delivered, errands ran, and had Celia taken care of by the friends. Without their help we would have been swamped, for sure.

One last bit, Christina got 2 wigs this week; tell us what you think!

My Long-haired Lady!

Longer, and Red-er


  1. I love both of them, but I think I like the red one better. So cute!!
    Say hello to Tiffany for us. And please give Christina a big hug from us too. We keep her (and you and Celia too)in our prayers, and are proud of how well she is handling this.

  2. Jeremy, Christina, and Celia: Greetings and love from your Uncle Al and Aunt Geri. We are thinking of you as you go through this ordeal. We are proud of how you are facing it head-on. May Jehovah continue to give you strength through his Word of comfort, the Bible, his holy spirit, and the love of your family and friends. Christina, please know how proud we are of you for your faithfulness since your mom's illness and death those many years ago.
    She was already ill when we got to know her. She will be so happy to see you in the new world, along with your lovely family. (Yes, we're proud of Jeremy, too) We don't really know Celia, but we are sure she is a lovely girl, too. We pray for Jehovah's protection on you all. Please give Tiffany (our other daughter)a hug for us. It is so nice she is able to be there to help.
    Love, Uncle Al and Aunt Geri

  3. Beautiful, especially the red one!! Thanks for keeping us updated. Love the proactive approach you are taking with this battle. We think about you and pray for you often.
    Your cuz,
    Dan Pulcifer

  4. I really like the long red one! You do bangs great, Christina! If you're having "a bad hair day" no worries-just change your wig. Problem solved! I LOVE YOU! Kendra P.S. Thank you Jeremy for lovingly posting this blog.
