My beautiful wife and I, May 2010.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End of an Episode

This long, yet short, episode in our lives is now coming to a close. Christina has been cancer-free since her mastectomy. With that, along with the chemotherapy and removal of her ovaries has meant we have done everything medically possible to eliminate cancer from her life. According to the doctors, there is now no credible threat of the cancer returning. Christina is now going through the process of breast reconstruction, but we are ready to say that our fight with cancer is over. We've won. She's won.

Before Danville 5k run/walk, April 2011
This past Saturday (May 21, 2011) marked our 17-year wedding anniversary. We spent the evening at a concert (Prince!), having a great time and feeling normal for the first time in 8 months. After all of the surgeries, chemotherapy, doctor's visits, and recovery, It's hard to fully grasp that we're done, and life now goes on. We both auxiliary pioneered in April, we're planning a weekend away soon just the two of us, and the Kingdom Hall project has started back up, taking up more of my time. We're well into getting our lives back, finally.

After 5k, getting coffee!
I can't express enough how grateful we are for the love and generosity shown by all of our friends. There have been too many cards, phone calls, emails, etc to relate, meals and visits just when we needed it, and many prayers both public and private. I hesitate to point out specific names, for fear of neglecting the assistance others have offered, but I would be remiss if I didn't thank my Mom, who flew out from Michigan twice to stay with us, and Tiffeny and Ellen who each also spent weeks taking care of our home and well-being. Celia, our beautiful daughter, has done more than can be expected for a 13 year old. Our dear friends April and Sharla for their multitude of visits both in support and comfort to Christina, and our new friend Jan, our fellow fighter. The Dougherty Hills congregation has lived up to it's reputation as a family that loves and takes care of each other. Our medical team, from the Oncologist, Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses, and all the support staff have bent over backwards to meet our needs medically and emotionally. There are so many more whose actions have been a support and kindness, and we thank all of you.
At Prince Concert, May 2011

So, this is it for jeremy-cancerspouse. I'm no longer the spouse of a cancer patient/sufferer; my wife is now a survivor. I'm going to end this blog here, with this last message of hope: "...In the world YOU are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world." - John 16:33


  1. we are all so happy that this trying episode of your lives is over, and happy for you to begin and continue a new, more upbuilding chapter!

  2. Jeremy, Christina & Celia,

    Love Ya, Take care! Isn't nice to have so many friends and family that really care. It sounds like your congegation is wonderful, of course we have a big united family worldwide. Keep up the positive attitude and continue healing.
